Multidisciplinary show
A sparrow’s step
Llibert is no ordinary gardener, he only works in the spring, in summer he travels and in the autumn he dedicates his time to making himself “heard”. This Llibert is a curious fellow. But he’s no random gardener; nature, the trees and the dance of their leaves warn him when the time comes.
He is the bringer of the ingravidolla de Nadal (Christmas zorb ball). He leaves the house with his bicycle leaving all thoughts behind, and pedalling he ignites, in each corner of the world, the light of emotions.
It is not by chance either, that we all feel kinder and more smiley. He goes around swelling ephemeral cities of emotions, where, for a few days, anything is possible.
So, every year, when the last leaf falls …

Artistic record
Direction: Toti Toronell
Music: Joan Bramon
Pere Hosta
Jordi Saban
Cristina Garcia
Jordi Pedròs
Joan Bramon
Berta Pipo
Claret Papiol
Toti Toronell
Scenography: Toti Toronell
Production: Txell Farràs
Technical Director: Quico Massana