I was born in 1975 AD, I can’t say much about the first years of my life, it’s hard enough trying to remember what I ate for lunch yesterday! One thing I do remember however, is that in 1992 I took a circus course with Pep Mora, and that this was the trigger for everything that came later.
I was essentially self-taught, but I used some tricks and took a little from here and a little from there, along with Avner (The Excentric), with Jango Edwards, Leo Bassi, Les Bubb, Comediants, Toni Albà, Dimitri Bogatirev (Aga-Boom) … among others. But above all, I dared to try and investigate.
I directed and acted with COP DE CLOWN from 1995, when it was founded, until 2006. Here I learned to believe that anything was possible. In 2006 I created LAITRUM TEATRE to further investigate new ways of teaching theatre, and meanwhile I also began to make some headway with the CIA. TOTI TORONELL.
I also run other companies, I make drawings, sculptures, some design, build stage sets, I play a little accordion and ukulele, occasionally give a class; I invent, write, imagine, and when least I expect it, I make a mistake… and start all over again.
Macaroni!! I ate macaroni for lunch yesterday!!
Check out my latest productions
Shows I did but no longer do
When you look back at times you realize that what you did … is done! And thanks to what I did, now I know how to do what I do.